I’ve been super busy this year


This coming August 2012 will be my first anniversary in business.  This is something that I’ve wanted to do for at least 20 years. Even when I was a  young girl, I  just wanted to be a professional crafter.  I knew even way back then.  It took alot of courage to actually bust out and show my artwork.   I’ve learned that sometimes you just have to leap.  Don’t wait to the perfect time to leap.  Just do it.  Even if your ideas aren’t perfect – just get them out there.  You adust and re-adjust.  You leap and crash.  You learn.  You get up and start all over again.    I’ve learned so much this year and created so many products.  Sales have been very slow due to the economy but sometimes you just have to create things for the pure joy of creating.  If things sell…that’s wonderful.  If they don’t, we always learn something in the process that can never be taken away from you.  I’m learning how to balance a full time job with creating a product line on the side.  I’m trying to learn from criticism which is never easy but can be a valuable lesson in how to create products that people will love.   I’ve learned how hard it is to constantly create.  The demand to create can burn you out so it’s necessary to replenish your creative mind by doing other projects totally un-related to your chosen medium.  My main goal for this 2nd year is basically persistence.  Learn the art of persistence.   To keep going no matter what the economy throws at us and create from my heart.  My other goal is to try and live authentically.  I’ve had my artwork hidden for so many years.  I’ve been very conservative.  Time to live and share all the colors that I feel.  I hope you see that in my bracelets.  Above is just a sneak peak of some of my favorite products that I’ve created this year!  I also encourage you to leap in your own life.  If there’s something you want to do –  just do it.  You never know where you are going to land.

Take Care!



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