Here’s a picture of my three business partners.

Lucky for me that they are “silent” business partners! ha ha


Kim’s edit:  As of September 2015, we have added a third silent business partner.  His name is Bobee.  Such a tiny little guy.  Bites a lot.  Full of the devil.


Kim’s edit:  As of May 29, 2016, Bobee is now one years old.  He’s such a handsome guy. I think you would agree.  He smiles a lot but he’s chewing my couch up!



So Cute!  Bobee and Lucy are my grand dogs.  Rex is my handsome guy.  He is going to be 12 years old this year which makes him almost 84 years old.


Rex and Lucy.  They are a big help around the studio.  = – )

Here is Lucy taking a coffee break:                                           Rex is always on break.


Hi everyone! Welcome to my site of all things brite and colorful!

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   pretye   tewu

Sea Glass Resin Bangles

My name is Kim and I reside in a suburb outside the great city of Chicago with my two daughters and two large and very furry children – Rex & Lucy.   I just love creating things!  It’s been a life- long   obsession since I was a very little girl.  I knew  at age 5 that I wanted to be an artist as I redecorated my Barbie townhouse, created entire villages and even a pop up camper for little stuffed animals sewn from bits of discarded scraps of fabric.  I still continue to make all sorts of things to this day.

I’m completely self taught – learning mostly from craft books and sometimes even You Tube!  I’ve dabbled in just about every medium possible but I always seem to gravitate back to resin, silk, bear making, soap making, and knitting.


Just learned to crochet.


My day begins with my full time job as a secretary.  I guess I should be part of the “Naughty Secretary Club” because as I’m booking meetings and typing e-mails, I’m constantly planning in my head all the projects I’m going to do when I get home.  I have this obsession with constantly sketching through out the day as new ideas for products constantly pop into my head.  On my lunch hour, I usually photograph bangles on our conference room table at work.  If you look closely enough in my photographs you can see the city in the background!

Once my day is over I head home to hang out with Rex & Lucy in our garage workshop.   Not very glamorous but we spend hours watching old movies, pouring resin, sanding and painting fun colorful pieces of silk.

For me…it’s all about the color.  The brighter the better.   I’m addicted to bold color,  interesting color combinations and fun funky patterns.

My favorite color is blue.

I’m inspired by  Vintage Pucci,  Vera Neuman,Lilly Pullitzer,  Dena Designs, Anna Maria Horner, Amy Butler, Peggy Russell, Sylvia Edwards, Heather Bailey, Orna Lalo, Alexis Bittar, Kate Spade, Silly Little Suitcase, Tory Burch, Dorje Designs,  Hallmark Cards, and anything that is bright and happy.


I wanted to work for Hallmark but I don’t think I have it.  I used to paint a lot of bears for my kids when they were little.  Not so much anymore.

I am so inspired by vintage jewelry.  I collect it obsessively.

colorful vintage

I collect vintage scarves – especially Vera Neuman.  Here are some vintage scarves framed in my house:



Resin, resin, resin!.  I just love it. 

The possibilities are endless with resin.  You can color it.  You can sand it.  You can form it into the most fascinating trinkets that hold the light and reflect and glow.  It’s like forming a jewel.  You never know what the final outcome will be and it’s such a surprise to unmold something that at first sight looks hideous but once you start polishing it – it transforms into something truly  amazing.


Raw bangles just pulled out of the molds.  Time to sand them.




A rainy spring day in the Chicago land area.  This is my garden. I’m inspired by the colors!

My other interests include gardening, baking & cake decorating, bear making,  hip hop ballet, all kinds of dance, was a former figure skater and currently working on my black belt in Shotokan Karate.  I love science fiction movies and all movies – English.  Love writing, the web all things computer related, and junk shopping.

I hope you enjoy my Blog and stop back often!
